Hana Harris

Vector Art, Interactive Websites, Brand Design

Hi! I'm Hana and I'm a black freelance graphic designer and web developer living in Detroit.
I specialize in playful designs and clients who love colorful expression!
I help clients like you bring their dream designs to life in a timely manner. When shall we begin?

My Services


Vector Art

Have a fun idea in mind but don't know how to execute it? I'll do it for you at the wave of a wand. Just share your idea with me and we can bring it to life together!

Make sure to check out my portfolio to see if you like my style first!



In the age of tech, one of the best ways to find your audience is through a website that defines you and your company! Commission a website today to extend your reach far beyond your competitors.



Let's take a step back. If you're looking for a web designer that can do it all, you've come to the right place! Why outsource when you can get yourself hooked up with a meaningful and eyecatching brand and website from the same person.